The Punjab government has planned a 45-day teacher training program in all of the province’s districts. The training will begin on Monday, May 30th, and end on Thursday, June 14th.
The training will be conducted by the Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED), the Punjab government’s main institution for in-service and pre-service teacher training.
DG QAED asked Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of all District Education Authorities (DEAs) and District QAED Heads to ensure that all school instructors in their respective districts participate, according to an official announcement.
The Punjab government also stated earlier this month that an 8-day training program for IT and CS school teachers would be held in all districts of the province. The training will begin on Monday, May 30th and end on Monday, June 6th.
Summer vacations are set to begin this week in all public and private schools and institutions across Punjab.
From the 1st of June, Wednesday, until the 31st of July, Sunday, all educational institutes in the province will be closed. On Monday, August 1st, the academic process in the province will restart.