Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas announced the summer holidays in Punjab.

Today, On June 29, 2021, Punjab Education Minster Murad Raas Announced that the summer holidays in Punjab shall start on 1st July 2021 and will end on 1st August 2021. Schools in Punjab shall remain closed from 1st July 2021 to 1st August 2021.

Summer Holidays Announced in Punjab

Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas request to all children and their families to follow SOPs issued by the government of Pakistan in this pandemic.

Before this National Command and operating center (NCOC) suggested the summer vacations from July 18 to 1st August 2021.

Also, Federal Education Minister Suggested summer vacations from July 02 to 2nd August 2021.

But today Punjab Education Minster Murad Raas Announced that the summer holidays in Punjab shall start on 1st July 2021 and will end on 1st August 2021. Schools in Punjab shall remain closed from 1st July 2021 to 1st August 2021.