Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood has announced that all matric and inter exams will be held after Eid. Before this Punjab education minister Murad Raas announced that matric and inter exams will be held as per schedule from 4th May.

But after today’s meeting of education ministers, It is announced that matric and inter exams will be held after Eid maybe during the 3rd or last week of May. The education minister announced that most of the exams from 9-12 will be in June and July.

Education Minister is also said that Decisions regarding exams are final. Students should start preparing and working hard. This decision will not be changed so no one should have any uncertainty in their mind. Everything has been done keeping interest of education in mind.

Following are the tweets of the Education Minister regarding exams of matric and inter

Matric and Inter Exams 2021 will be held after Eid


Matric and Inter Exams 2021 will be held after Eid
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